After President Obama is reelected his victory speech was given later that night.
I want to point out the variety of his tone by being funny and serious when necessary.
I admire his posture as a winner and the respect he showed for Gov. Romney by congratulating him in a hard fought campaign. I thought it was very intelligent how he pointed out that people in different parts of the world they are fighting for the freedom of speech and the right to choose their leader.
He also showed his soft side by sharing the story about the little girl that had a leukemia.
And the recognition to the daughter of an immigrant that pledges to the US flag every morning.
The reassurance of why the US is the greatest country in the world and a heartfelt and exciting closing statement, why it doesn't matter what you do or where you come from you can make it in the US.
Not many people may like President Obama but you can't take away the fact that he is a great public speaker.
This is better, though your entry is mostly about the content of the speech rather than visual elements of the presentation.