Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Victory Speech

After President Obama is reelected his victory speech was given later that night.
I want to point out the variety of his tone by being funny and serious when necessary.
I admire his posture as a winner and the respect he showed for Gov. Romney by congratulating him in a hard fought campaign. I thought it was very intelligent how he pointed out that people in different parts of the world they are fighting for the freedom of speech and the right to choose their leader.
He also showed his soft side by sharing the story about the little girl that had a leukemia.
And the recognition to the daughter of an immigrant that pledges to the US flag every morning.
The reassurance of why the US is the greatest country in the world and a heartfelt and exciting closing statement, why it doesn't matter what you do or where you come from you can make it in the US.
Not many people may like President Obama but you can't take away the fact that he is a great public speaker.

Latino Vote

As anticipated, the Latino vote was very significant in this years Presidential Election. More than two thirds of the Latino demographic voted for President Obama maintain his position for another for years According to CNN " Latinos not only helped Obama win in key battleground states, but they made up 10% of the electorate for the first time ever." Latinos, the fastest growing minority who make up 16% of this country's population had a great say Nov. 6th. President Obama receiving 71% of the Latino vote as opposed to a much lower 27% by Gov. Romney. Now, we have to keep in mind what Gov. Romney said during the Second Presidential Debate in which his opinion about "self-deportation" stood firmly in front of Latino woman who asked a question related to Immigration Laws. Makes me wonder had he had a more appealing answer for Hispanic/Latinos if we would be looking at a different President today.

Hispanics For Obama

Hispanic people will be more involved in this presidential election more than ever. This could be a decisive factor in the run for the presidency come Nov. 6th. Taking in consideration what both parties had to say about immigration laws, Hispanic people feel like President Obama can do more for them. Gov. Romney could have lost the vote of Hispanic people by what he said in this video during the Second Presidential Debate. Romney encouraging "self-deportation" could  change the opinion of people that were considering voting for Gov. Romney making things for Obama slightly easier.

Obama Commercial 2008 Presidential Campaign

I find very interesting how many celebrities participated in this video. We have to keep in mind that in 2008 Barack Obama used social media to the fullest to reach out to younger demographics. I can't imagine anyone  under the age of 30 that didn't know at least one celebrity in the video. The way this video was produced is incredible, the use of black and white and the speech of Barack Obama on top of the celebrities' voices is very appealing. This add was not like anything he had seen before, it is so inspiring and visually pleasing that is almost hard not be attached or persuaded to vote for him.